There is a lot of speculation about Windows 11, and we can’t blame you for feeling like Windows 10 was just released. Windows 11 is the future of Microsoft Windows, and it will introduce users to new ways to interact with their PC.

Microsoft dubs their latest operating system as the “Windows that brings you closer to what you love.”

The 5 Biggest Questions About Windows 11

1. What is the Difference Between Windows 10 and Windows 11?

In terms of performance, functionality, and design, Windows 11 outperforms Windows 10 by a significant amount. Here’s a quick rundown of the key improvements Microsoft made to its most recent operating system:

  • A new look and feel: If you’re familiar with Apple’s operating systems, you’ll notice that the new macOS and Windows 10 resemble each other. The corners of Windows are now more sharply rounded, and the taskbar icons are always centred. Thankfully, the ever-useful Start button has stayed put.
  • New Productivity Functions: There are several small yet important improvements that Microsoft made to Windows 11. For one, your computer will now remember the previous layout you selected when docking. Each of your virtual desktops may now have a unique background. Widgets are also back in style, which is great news for fans of customisable gadgets. Windows 11 includes a Snap Layout, giving users the ability to choose from a variety of layout options.
  • Integration with Teams: Teamwork has emerged as the new norm across the world, thanks to hybrid work becoming the standard approach. The spotlight has been shone on teams. As a result, Microsoft made sure that the software was upgraded in keeping with current trends. Teams is now built into the operating system, making it simpler to interact with family, friends, and coworkers. At VITG, as Microsoft Teams users, we are most excited about this new feature.
  • Improved Gaming Experience: Microsoft took gamers into account as well when designing Windows 11. Gamers can enjoy Xbox Game pass and Cloud gaming through the Xbox app in Windows 11.
  • Android Apps: Aside from offering better compatibility with the Xbox, Microsoft has integrated Android apps on your computer using Windows 11. We’re interested to see how well Android apps work on a Windows computer.

2. Is Microsoft Office Available on Windows 11?

If you have an existing Microsoft 365 subscription, you can use it with Windows 11.

Windows 11 does not come with Microsoft Office, so if you do not have a subscription you will need to purchase one first.

3. How Can I Upgrade from Windows 10 to 11?

If you’re upgrading from Windows 10 to 11, it’s easy.

You just need to Windows Updates on your computer, in the Settings area, and click “Check for Updates.” Windows 11 will just be there available in the upgrade section.

Click the “Download and Install” button.

4. Do I need to upgrade my computer to switch to Windows 11?

Potentially. Here’s a checklist of what your computer needs to have to run Windows 11 smoothly:

  • At least a 1GHZ dual-core processor
  • 4 GB of RAM
  • At least 64 GB of storage
  • A graphics card compatible with DirectX 12 or later, with a WDDM 2.0 driver
  • 720p display, at least 9” diagonal size, with 8 bits per colour channel
  • TPM version 2.0
  • UEFI, Secure Boot capable firmware

If your computer meets or exceeds these specifications then you can upgrade to Windows 11. If your current device does not meet the necessary standards, you may have to make some hardware upgrades or purchase a new one entirely.

Before running a large upgrade like this, it’s important to check in with your IT support team. You may run other applications that aren’t yet compatible with Windows 11. Additionally, your company may decide to wait before updating computers, to allow time for any issues with the upgrade to be ironed out.

5. Do I Need to Switch to Windows 11?

If your computer isn’t compatible with Windows 11, you do not have to upgrade. Additionally, if your computer is compatible with Windows 11, but you don’t want to upgrade, there is nothing wrong with staying on Windows 10.

Windows 10 will still be under support from Microsoft until October 2025, so there is no rush to upgrade.

Making Technology Work for You

Microsoft made a point of ensuring that the most recent version of their OS is worth it for both old and new Windows users. It’s also clear that Microsoft has made an effort to understand its customers’ problems and fix them with these new upgrades.

If you are considering switching to Windows 11 and want to learn more about hardware compatibility and security updates first. Give us a call, our IT Support teams across MelbourneSydney and Brisbane.

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