How Celsus Uses VITG as Their IT Management, IT Support, and Cybersecurity Provider

Celsus Pty Ltd is a special-purpose company responsible for managing the consortium that designed, financed, constructed, and commissioned the Royal Adelaide Hospital. They now manage and maintain the hospital under a 30-year contract. Celsus provides facility management with a patient-centric philosophy.

VITG provides IT management and support for us, including end-user computing, internet, firewall, cloud computing, Azure account management, cybersecurity management, and incident management. We find VITG to be responsive and timely, providing a positive ICT support experience.Hassan Dawood, ICT Director

The Challenge

Celsus relies heavily on cloud computing and user mobility to connect with their consortium partners nationally and internationally. They needed a robust and secure IT setup that would support their business growth and allow them to work from anywhere.

“The services provided by VITG enable us to reliably connect and do business while we are on the move and provide us with the flexibility to expand as needed,” says Dawood.

The Solution

Celsus utilizes VITG’s IT Support, Management, Cloud, and Cybersecurity services, giving them a robust technology setup.

“Our experience with VITG has been very positive. VITG supported us through the transition of Celsus’s IT requirements from the build of the Royal Adelaide Hospital to now, business as usual,” says Dawood.

The Results

Celsus has a robust technology setup that supports their business and provides them with the tools they need to work securely from anywhere. They utilize VITG’s IT Support team to help with day-to-day issues and have IT Management support through VITG’s unique Account Management framework.

“VITG’s services allow us to do business efficiently and effectively, while mobile and on the move,” says Dawood.

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