IT outsourcing is often the best way for a small to medium-sized business to scale and make its mark on the modern Australian marketplace. It’s also the perfect way for an older, more established company to update its processes and tackle the challenges of a digital world head on.

Take Ventura Bus Lines for instance. Started by Harry Wilson Cornwall in 1924, Ventura Bus Lines had survived, grown and thrived for nearly a century. But as the world accelerated into the 21st century, it became clear that business-as-usual simply cut it no longer. Not only were consumers increasingly using the internet to find their transport providers – highlighting Ventura’s lacklustre online presence – but their IT infrastructure and processes were proving inefficient and costly.

Instead of letting technology get the better of them, the company decided to take action by approaching VITG for an array of IT outsourcing services. In this blog post, we’ll go over the challenges, details and results of VITG’s strategic partnership with Ventura Bus Lines.

Ventura Bus Lines company profile

Ventura Bus Lines is a Melbourne-based transport company with 2,500 employees and a fleet of over 1,300 vehicles that services more than 60 million passengers every year. Being a mature business, the company was looking to upgrade its IT to boost efficiencies, increase its online usability and customer experience, and cut down on running costs. With so many employees, efficient IT is also crucial for communication and for internal processes to run smoothly.

VITG provided a solution

Ventura Bus Lines established contact with VITG for IT management consultancy services, as well as a full review of internal IT operations. Following the comprehensive and fully transparent review, VITG compiled a detailed and objective report of operations with suggestions and options for cost savings and improved efficiency.

In addition to the report and consultancy, Ventura Bus Lines continued to use VITG’s other services, including project management, business support, IT management and infrastructure solutions. VITG’s flexible service offerings have adapted and scaled with Ventura Bus Lines as the company has grown over the years, reducing and managing IT costs along the way.

More recently, VITG has helped Ventura Bus Lines with services that include platform upgrades, network consolidation, introducing a new and improved ticket management system, as well as datacentre migration.

How is Ventura Bus Lines doing now?

As a result of VITG’s services and expertise, Ventura has taken Melbourne by storm. Not only have they vastly improved their digital presence, internal communications and technological efficiency – they’ve done so while enjoying significant savings in their annual budget. The mutually beneficial partnership has allowed Ventura Bus Lines to flourish, confident in its place as a modern transport company for the 21st century.

But why take our word for it when you can hear about the great results from Andrew Cornwall, Executive Chair of Ventura, himself:

“VITG have provided Ventura with advice and support that has resulted in significant savings in our annual IT budget. At the same time IT support to our workforce has significantly improved as a consequence of us having a Services Agreement with VITG .”

VITG continue to work closely with Ventura Bus Lines and are proud to be considered a trusted business partner critical to its ongoing success.

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