How ACC Higgins Moved to Microsoft 365, SharePoint & Teams

Amalgamated Casket Company (ACC) commenced operations in Melbourne in 1973, and Higgins Manufacturing started in Perth in 1990. From there, they have expanded operations into Queensland (Yatala), South Australia (Regency Park), and NSW (Villawood). ACC Higgins is proud to be a leading manufacturer and distributor of quality caskets and coffins.

“This project has made accessing business data and communicating across states much easier.” Brett Gill, Finance Manager

The Challenge

ACC Higgins has offices across Australia. Previously, they had physical servers to hold their business data in their Melbourne office.

This setup worked for a number of years but became slow and challenging for the other states, as they had to log into Melbourne to access their business files.

The Solution

ACC Higgins enlisted VITG to help them move to a cloud-based platform, utilizing Microsoft 365 for email, Microsoft Teams for communication, and Microsoft SharePoint for document storage.

This removed the need for some of their onsite servers.

The Results

A simplified way to access business data from anywhere, a single platform for internal communication, and a robust cloud platform supporting the business now and into the future.

“Accessing information around the business is now easy. Simplified internal communication through Teams, and now everyone is using the same software across the board. VITG handled the project very well. VITG has never let us down, and we are happy with the results of this project,” says Gill.

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